Friday, September 28, 2007

Wiley - Hacking Wireless Networks for Dummies - Download ebook

Hacking Wireless Networks For Dummies - book outlines plain-English, wireless-network hacker tricks and techniques you can use to ethically hack 802.11-based wireless networks (yours or someone else’s if you’ve been given permission) and discover security vulnerabilities. By turning the tables and using ethical hacking techniques, you then have a leg up on the malicious hackers — you’ll be aware of any vulnerabilities that exist and be able to plug the holes before the bad guys have a chance to exploit them.
This book will show you quite a few of the latest tools, but an exhaustive text
covering all currently-available wireless hacking tools would require a forklift
to move, and would require you to remove all other books from your bookshelves to make room. With this many available tools, the important factor becomes learning how to use them effectively and efficiently.
Download this book in digital format.

Book info:
Hacking Wireless Networks for Dummies
by Kevin Beaver and Peter T.Davis
Wiley Publications
ebook format: PDF
ISBN-13: 978-0-7645-9730-5
ISBN-10: 0-7645-9730-2

Download this ebook here:
Click and Download link - 8.08MB

Always buy original paperback edition, and experience the difference.